Your Identity in Christ


There will always be people who want to control us and tell us what we should do. These people are mostly interested in making us to be like them. We are not called to be like them, we are called to be like Christ. Through the blood of Christ we have been given freedom from the law. We have been given a new nature and we are a new creation. We are free from the opinions and control of others. I have only one responsibility and that is to Christ, through the leading of the Holy Spirit.

You might then ask: “What about family, friends, work, and all the other areas of responsibility?” The answer is that everything else falls under the umbrella of Christ. If I obey Christ, I will fulfill all the other responsibilities. If I obey Christ, then all the right things will get taken care of. If I obey Christ, I can be satisfied with what I have done and not live under the judgment of others.

Freedom is in Christ. In Him I have the perfect leader taking me to the perfect destination. I do not need to worry about provision or resources. In Christ, I do not need to worry about the opinions of men, because He has made me acceptable to the Father. The lie of Satan is that we need to submit to rules and what others think. This brings bondage. The truth is, only in Christ are we free.

[From Extreme Turbo Mega Grace]
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